Invoice Factoring
for Private Duty Care
Private duty care factoring is a way for businesses to get funding by selling their invoices to us at a discounted rate. This gives you the cash flow you need almost instantly, and we will work with you to make sure getting approved is easy- even if you’re just starting up!

Simple Funding for Private Duty Care agencies
Factoring is a wise finance option that may be used by private duty home care businesses. You will get the cash flow you need almost instantly by selling your invoices to us at a discounted rate.
We know that it can be tough to keep up with the cash floor when you’re being paid through elderly care or other state government programs, which is why offers invoice funding. This process allows us to purchase your accounts receivables, so your business can expand without placing extra strain on things like payroll, taxes, or credit card payments.
How Does it Work for Private Duty Care?
At, we purchase private duty receivables from healthcare companies and issue an advance within 24 hours- all you have to do is bill your customers as usual, and they will send us the payment to our lockbox. Approval is easy too, even if you’re just starting up! We only consider the creditworthiness of the customer for approval, not yours.
Ready to start invoice factoring?
Complete the form or call for more information. We’re happy to help!

Can Your private duty care agency benefit from Accounts Receivable Factoring?
There are a lot of advantages when cashing in on private duty care invoices.
More money is readily available.:
We will electronically deposit the funds to your bank within a few hours after verification.
Choose as you want provides flexibility to private duty nursing clients - they can choose when, how, and for how long to factor their invoices.
We are experts in private-duty care factoring
We understand the challenges you face when providing nursing or elderly care in patients' homes and having to bill Medicare or other government agencies. That's why we introduced our private duty accounts receivable funding program specifically for the healthcare services industry after gaining tons of experience in it.