Invoice Factoring helps to Education Providers

Accounts Receivable Factoring for Academic Institutions
Factor Finders offers financial support to those who offer extra academic instruction to middle and high school students outside of regular school hours. The 2001 No-Child Left Behind Act has increased the need for supplemental services to ensure that students from impoverished districts to grab a quality education.
Many supplemental educational services companies only offer a 60 day credit window to school districts, which in turn doesn’t give the company enough time or money to explore new avenues. At Factor Finders, we help supplemental educational providers to get the cash they need by invoice factoring. This allows them to take on bigger contracts and maintain a positive cash flow.
Although state agencies pay their supplemental providers well, the payments are often on credit. This leaves the providers without enough money to pay their instructors.
Specially designed factoring programs for the educational support services industry
If you’re in the supplemental educational support services industry, you know that invoicing can be a hassle. But with Factoring Finders, we understand your specific needs and offer cash advance rate up to 90% within a day. With the extra money, you could choose to enlarged your education business, pay laborers or taxes, put funds into Advertisement, and so on.
At Factor Finders, we approve companies for education factoring based on the credit worthiness of their clients. We offer funding through our factoring services to companies who have poor credit or a short financial track record. We judge the state agencies’ financial ability to pay our invoices because we are supplemental educational service providers that contract with those agencies.
Ready to start invoice factoring?
Complete the form or call 855-513-2473 for more information. We’re happy to help!

invoice Factoring Can Help You Get the Financing You Need Today
Accounts receivable factoring is a fast and easy way to get started within voice factoring. Accounts are established in as little as 3 to 5 business days.
- Fill out a small application
- Send us the report of accounts receivable aging
- Forward list of customers with the credit limit request
- Sign official documents
- Submit invoices to factor
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